The Hindu Vocabulary 19th September 2017 [Hindi] | PDF Download

Hello friends here is the vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial Section Date-19th September 2017(Tuesday) with Hindi meaning and Synonyms. You can also download PDF file from below.Please share with your friends.There is 20 Words with its English meaning also.Download link is given below. You can Download image as well as PDF file.

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Read The Hindu Vocabulary 19th September 2017 -

Sl No. Vocabulary Hindi Meaning Synonyms/English Meaning
1. Dissident असहमत A person who opposes official policy
2. Rebellion विद्रोह revolt, uprising
3. Rapprochement घनिष्ठता Friendship
4. Blockaded नाकाबंदी An act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.
5. Reconciliation सुलह The restoration of friendly relations
6. Hatchet कुल्हाड़ी Axe
7. Contentious विवादास्पद Controversial
8. Gauging मापना Measure
9. Profound गहन Deeply
10. Discordant विरुद्ध,असंगत Disagreeing or incongruous
11. Emanate निर्गत होना go out
12. Notwithstanding बावजूद In spite of
13. Watchword नारा A word or phrase expressing a person's or group's core aim or belief
14. Multilateral बहुपक्षीय Agreed upon or participated in by three or more parties
15. Reiterate दोहराना Say something again or a number of times
16. Accent उच्चारण A distinctive way of pronouncing a language
17. Tranquility शांति peace, serenity, calm
18. Compensate क्षतिपूर्ति करना Give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred
19. Apprehended गिरफ्तार Arrest (someone) for a crime.

20. Rejoice प्रसन्न होना Feel or show great joy or delight

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