The Hindu Vocabulary 17-09-2017 [Hindi] | PDF Download

Hello friends here is the vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial Section Date-17th September 2017 with Hindi meaning and Synonyms. You can also download PDF file from below.Please share with your friends.

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1. Hurricanes तूफान A storm with a violent wind
2. Ravaging तहस-नहस करना Destroy, Cause severe and extensive damage to.
3. Reassure आश्वस्त Say or do something to remove the doubts or fears of (someone)
4. Concede स्वीकार करना Admit or agree that something is true after first denying
5. Perspective परिप्रेक्ष्य possibility, probability
6. Genocide नरसंहार The deliberate killing of a large group of people
7. Perpetrators अपराधी A person who carries out illegal act
8. Besiege घेरना Surround (a place) with armed forces in order to capture it
9. Crumble टुकड़े टुकड़े करना Break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration.
10. Vilify गाली देना disparage, denigrate, defame
11. Extremism अतिवाद The holding of extreme political or religious views
12. Insurgency विद्रोह An active revolt or uprising
13. Expulsion निष्कासन The action of forcing someone to leave an organization
14. Arbitrarily मनमाने ढंग से Without restraint in the use of authority
15. Tinker ठठेरा An act of attempting to repair something.
16. Precisely निश्चित रूप से In exact terms
17. Humanitarian मानवीय A person who seeks to promote human welfare
18. Monarch सम्राट Emperor
19. Heir वारिस Successor
20. Transient क्षणिक Lasting only for a short time

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