UPSC CDS-I Recruitment 2016

UPSC-Union Public Service Commission issued or released notification for  Combined Defence Services Exam (I) 2016. The eligible and interested candidates can apply through officical website of UPSC on or before 04 December 2015.

Last Date : 04 Dec 2015


Eligibility Criteria for CDS (I) Exam
Educational Qualification:
Indian Military Academy: Candidate should be a graduate
Indian Naval Academy: Degree in Engineering & Degree
Air Force Academy: Degree (with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level) or Bachelor of Engineering
Officers Training Academy SSC Course: Candidate should be a graduate

Age Limit:
Officers Training Academy SSC Course (for men): Born not earlier than 02-01-1992 and not later than 01-01-1998. (Male Candidates  (Married or Unmarried)
Indian Military Academy: Born not earlier than 02-01-1993 and not later than 01-01-1998. (Unmarried male candidates)
Officers Training Academy SSC Course (for men): Born not earlier than 02-01-1992 and not later than 01-01-1998. (Male Candidates  (Married or Unmarried)
Indian Naval Academy: Born not earlier than 02-01-1993 and not later than 01-01-1998. (Unmarried male candidates)
Air Force Academy: 20-24 years as on 01-01-2017  (Born not earlier than 02-01-1993 and  not later than  01-01-1998) (Unmarried male candidates)

Officers Training Academy SSC Course (for men): Born not earlier than 02-01-1992 and not later than 01-01-1998. (Male Candidates  (Married or Unmarried)

Examination Fee:Fee can be paid Offline as well as Online read below to know the process
UR/General Candidates (Female/SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) either by depositing the money in any Branch of SBI by cash,
Examination fee can also be paid using net banking facility of SBI and its associate bank or  by using Visa/Master Credit/Debit Card.
Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test, intelligence & personality test and interview.

Physical Standards : Candidates must be physically fit according to physical standards for admission to Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2016

How to  Apply for UPSC CDS-I Recruitment 2015-2016

More Details
Apply Now

1 comment:

  1. Graduation appearing can apply? for CDS 1 2016


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